4. Wandertag - Ende der Weisheit
Irgendwie muß ich heute an der Schlange vorbei, sonst komme ich nicht tiefer in die Höhle.
Welcome to Adventure!!  Would you like instructions?
You are in the Hall of the Mountain King, with passages off in all
A huge green fierce snake bars the way! 
There is no way to go that direction. 
You're in Hall of Mt King.
A huge green fierce snake bars the way! 
There is no way to go that direction. 
You're in Hall of Mt King.
A huge green fierce snake bars the way! 
There is no way to go that direction. 
You're in Hall of Mt King.
A huge green fierce snake bars the way! 
Are you trying to somehow deal with the snake?
I am prepared to give you a hint, but it will cost you 2 points.
Do you want the hint? 
You can't kill the snake, or drive it away, or avoid it, or anything
like that.  There is a way to get by, but you don't have the necessary
resources right now.
You are in a secret canyon which here runs east/west.  It crosses 
over a very tight canyon 15 feet below.  If you go down you may not 
be able to get back up.
Na also, es geht doch. Und es war Glück, weil die Schlange nur Richtung Südwesten eine kleine Schwäche hat und etwa jedes drittemal nicht aufpaßt. Ich schlage die Warnung in den Wind und gehe weiter.
You are at a wide place in a very tight north/south canyon. 
The canyon here becomes too tight to go further south.
You are at a wide place in a very tight north/south canyon. 
You are in a tall east/west canyon.  A low tight crawl goes 3 feet
north and seems to open up. 
The canyon runs into a mass of boulders -- dead end.
You are in a tall east/west canyon.  A low tight crawl goes 3 feet
north and seems to open up. 
You are in a room whose walls resemble Swiss cheese.  Obvious passages
go west, east, northeast, and northwest.  Part of the room is occupied
by a large bedrock block. 
You are in Bedquilt, a long east/west passage with holes everywhere.
To explore at random select north, south, up, or down.
You are at a complex junction.  A low hands and knees passage from the
north joins a higher crawl from the east to make a walking passage
going west.  There is also a large room above.  The air is damp here. 
You are in an anteroom leading to a large passage to the east.  Small 
passages go west and up.  The remnants of recent digging are evident. 
A sign in midair here says: "Cave under construction beyond this point. 
Proceed at own risk.  [Witt Construction Company]"
There are a few recent issues of "Spelunker Today" magazine here. 
Ich lasse diese amerikanische Ausgabe der Bild­zeitung liegen, denn mehr als rumlaufen werde ich heute wohl nicht.
You are at Witt's End.  Passages lead off in ALL directions.
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You have crawled around in some little holes and found your way 
blocked by a recent cave-in.  You are now back in the main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You are at Witt's End.  Passages lead off in ALL directions.
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
Do you need help getting out of here? 
I am prepared to give you a hint, but it will cost you 3 points.
Do you want the hint? 
Don't go west.
Das überrascht mich nicht, ist doch der Rückweg Richtung Westen versperrt, weil der Verbin­dungs­gang einge­stürzt ist, nachdem ich gerade durch war. Irgendwie stecke ich fest und bin am Ende meiner Weisheit.
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 
main passage. 
You're at Witt's End. 
You're in Anteroom. 
There are a few recent issues of "Spelunker Today" magazine here. 
Huch, nun bin ich doch zurück. Offensicht­lich muß man nur lange genug rumwühlen. Doch was nun? Am besten Schluß für heute.
Do you really want to quit now? 
You scored  52 out of a possible 350, using   35 turns.
Your score qualifies you as a Novice Class Adventurer.
To achieve the next higher rating, you need 49 more points.
Von den 32 Anfangspunkten und den 25 für das Eindringen in die Höhle gingen 5 Punkte für die beiden Hinweise drauf. Ein paar weitere Bemerkungen und eine Karte zur heutigen Wanderung finden sich im unten angepriesenen PDF-File.

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